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Titan IIIB | KH-8 13

Lockheed Martin | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
April 17, 1968, 5 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

KH-8 or Gambit-3 was the second generation of Gambit high resolution reconnaissance satellites.

Low Earth Orbit
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Soyuz | Kosmos 213

Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) | Russia
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan
April 15, 1968, 9:34 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful
Unknown Mission

There are no mission or payload details available for this launch.

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Soyuz | Kosmos 212

Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) | Russia
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan
April 14, 1968, 10 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful
Unknown Mission

There are no mission or payload details available for this launch.

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Kosmos 11K63 | DS-P1-Yu 12

Strategic Rocket Forces | Russia
Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russian Federation
April 9, 1968, 11:26 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The DS-P1-Yu series of satellites was used to calibrate space surveillance and early warning radars.

Low Earth Orbit
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Molniya-M | Luna-14

Russian Space Forces | Russia
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan
April 7, 1968, 10:09 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Luna Ye-6LS was series of lunar orbiters built to test tracking and communications networks for the Soviet crewed lunar program.

Lunar Orbit
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Atlas F | OV1-13 & 14

Convair | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
April 6, 1968, 9:59 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The OV1 (Orbiting Vehicle 1) were small research satellite to be launched piggy back on Atlas ICBM test flights. They consisted in general of the OV1 satellite and the OV1-PM propulsion module (or upper stage) to reach orbit.

Low Earth Orbit
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Saturn V | Apollo 6

National Aeronautics and Space Administration | United States of America
Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA
April 4, 1968, noon
Status: Launch was a Partial Failure

Apollo 6 was intended to send a Command and Service Module (CSM) plus a Lunar Module Test Article (LTA), a simulated Lunar Module (LM) with mounted structural vibration sensors, into a translunar trajectory. However, the Moon would not be in position for a translunar flight, and the Service Module engine would be fired about five minutes later to slow the craft, dropping its apogee to 11,989 nautical miles (22,204 km) and causing the CSM to return to Earth, simulating a "direct-return" abort. On the return leg, the engine would fire once more to accelerate the craft to simulate the nominal lunar return trajectory with a re-entry angle of -6.5 degrees and velocity of 36,500 feet per second (11,100 m/s). The entire mission would last about 10 hours.

Elliptical Orbit
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Voskhod | Zenit-2 60

Soviet Space Program | Russia
Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russian Federation
April 3, 1968, 11 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Zenit-2 film-return and ELINT reconnaissance satellite.

Low Earth Orbit
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Tsiklon-2A | US-AO 4

Yuzhnoye Design Bureau | Ukraine
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan
March 22, 1968, 9:30 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

US-A (Upravlenniye Sputnik Aktivny) were active radar satellites for ocean surveillance. The high power consumtion of the active radar required a nuclear reactor as power source. The satellites were known as RORSAT in the west. The US-AO series consisted of satellites, which tested all the system components but the nuclear reactor. They were battery powered.

Low Earth Orbit
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Voskhod | Zenit-2M 1

Soviet Space Program | Russia
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan
March 21, 1968, 9:50 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The soviet Zenit-2M (Gektor, 11F690) was an improved version of the Zenit-2 area surveillance reconnaissance satellite. It was part of the Vostok-based Zenit-family.

Low Earth Orbit
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