Tianlian is a Chinese data tracking and relay communications geostationary satellite series. The TL 2 (Tian Lian 2) satellites represent the second generation of this relay satellite network, and is based on the DFH-4 Bus, a three-axis-stabilized telecommunications satellite platform. TL 2 will be used to support real-time communications between orbiting satellites and ground control stations. This system will replace the current network of ground-based space tracking and telemetry stations and space tracking ships.
Geostationary Transfer Orbit18 Low Earth Orbit communication satellites with Ku, Q and V band payloads for the G60 constellation operated by Shanghai Spacecom Satellite Technology (SSST) with funding backed by the Shanghai local government. Initial constellation will consist of 1296 satellites by 2027 with long term plans to expand it to 12000 satellites. First launch from the Wenchang Commercial Space Launch Site's LC-1.
Polar OrbitDemonstration flight of the Long March 8A rocket with upgraded first stage and boosters engines, and a new larger liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen second stage with new YF-75H engines derived from ones used on the Long March 5. Payload is a batch of Low Earth Orbit communication satellites for the Chinese state owned SatNet constellation operated by the China Satellite Network Group. The constellation will eventually consists of 13000 satellites.
Low Earth Orbit