Falcon 9 - B1033


Status - Lost

Two of the outer engines didn't re-ignite for the landing burn, ran out of TEA/TEB igniters.

Falcon Heavy | Demo (Test Flight)

SpaceX | United States of America
Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA
Feb. 6, 2018, 8:45 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

This will be the inaugural flight of the Falcon Heavy. The test payload will be SpaceX CEO Elon Musk's midnight cherry Tesla Roadster playing Space Oddity. Destination: An elliptical, heliocentric orbit. Apoapsis: Around Mars' orbital distance.

Heliocentric N/A B1033 - Maiden Flight Of Course I Still Love You B1025 - Flight Proven ( ) Landing Zone 2 B1023 - Flight Proven ( ) Landing Zone 1
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