Vega is the smallest lifter in the current Arianespace family.
Avio S.p.A. is an Italian company operating in the aerospace sector with its head office in Colleferro near Rome, Italy. Founded in 1908, it is present in Italy and abroad with different commercial offices and 10 production sites.
THEOS-2 is Thailand’s first Earth observation satellite. Built by Airbus Defense and Space and based on the Astrobus-S platform, it is designed for optical measurements with a ground resolution of approximately 1 meter. TRITON or FORMOSAT-7R is an additional satellite by NSPO added to the joint Taiwanese-US FORMOSAT 7 / COSMIC-2 constellation for collecting atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate and gravity research. Its GNSS Reflectometry payload can be used to calculate the wind speed over sea surfaces. Cubesats: PROBA-V-CC (Project for On-Board Autonomy - Vegetation - Companion CubeSat) (12U) is a mission that will fly a scaled-down version of the vegetation-monitoring instrument aboard the Earth-observing PROBA-V to conduct combined experimental observations with its predecessor. PRETTY (Passive REflecTomeTry and dosimetrY) (3U) flies a GPS/Galileo signal reflectometer and radiation monitor for Graz University of Technology of Austria. MACSAT (6U) is an In-orbit demonstration (IoD) missionto demonstrate IoT communication over 5G for OQTech. CSC-1 and 2 (6U) contains 7 different experimental payloads from various institutions being flown by ISISPACE/ISL. N3SS (Nanosat 3U pour la Surveillance du Spectre) (3U) is a demonstration system for detecting and localize radio-frequency jammers on civil spectrum for the French CNES. ESTCUBE-2 is a technology demonstration mission with multiple scientific payloads for University of Tartu of Estonia. ANSER LEADER/FOLLOWER 1/2 (Advanced Nanosatellite Systems for Earth observation Research) is a cluster of 3 Earth observing cubesats with panchromatic and hyperspectral cameras for Spain's INTA for monitoring the quality of inland (reservoirs) water over the Iberian Peninsula.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitPléiades Neo is a constellation of four optical high-resolution Earth observation satellites built and operated by Airbus. It is a dual purpose constellation, serving both civilian and military purposes. Pléiades Neo 4 is the second satellite in the constellation which is to deliver imagery with spatial resolution of 30 cm. It is launched along with several rideshare payloads.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitPléiades Neo is a constellation of four optical high-resolution Earth observation satellites built and operated by Airbus. It is a dual purpose constellation, serving both civilian and military purposes. Pléiades Neo 3 is the first satellite in the constellation which is to deliver imagery with spatial resolution of 30 cm. It is launched along with several rideshare payloads.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitSEOSAT-Ingenio is a high-resolution optical imaging mission of Spain - the flagship mission of the Spanish space strategic plan. Its mission is devoted to ensure an even coverage of the areas of national interest, providing a large operational capability in the capture of high-resolution multi-spectral land optical images for numerous user groups, as well as supporting and optimizing the development in Spain of teledetection-based applications in Spain. The overall mission objective is to provide information for applications in cartography, land use, urban management, water management, environmental monitoring, risk management and security. TARANIS (Tool for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIngand Sprites), the Celtic god of thunder and lightning, is the first satellite designed to observe luminous, radiative and electromagnetic phenomena occurring at altitudes of 20 to 100 km over thunderstorms. Discovered 20 years ago, such transient luminous events (TLEs) such as red sprites, blue jets, elves, sprite halos, etc. remain shrouded in mystery. They are sometimes accompanied by terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs). The TARANIS microsatellite will fly over thousands of TLEs and TGFs for at least four years and will be capable of detecting these events and recording their luminous and radiative signatures at high resolution, as well as the electromagnetic perturbations they set off in Earth’s upper atmosphere. The payload includes numerous sensors to observe the TLEs and to perform in-situ measurements of perturbations caused on the local plasma (fields, waves and particles).
Sun-Synchronous Orbit #SEOSATIngenioThe Vega POC (Proof Of Concept) flight will be the first mission of the SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service), a modular carbon fiber dispenser, a program initiated by ESA in 2016, with the contribution of the European Commission. For all the European partners involved, its purpose is to address the burgeoning institutional and commercial small spacecraft market with a new rideshare concept. Payload includes dozens of satellites: Athena, ION CubeSat Carrier, ESAIL, NEMO-HD, GHGSat C1, six Flock-v cubesats, several Lemur-2 cubesats, twelve SpaceBEE nanosats, FSSCat A & B, RTAF-Sat, DIDO 3, IGOSat, PICASSO, PINO, PIXL, QARMAN, SIMBA, TRISAT, Casaa-Sat, TTU-100, and more.
Sun-Synchronous Orbit #VV16Falcon Eye 1 is a high-resolution Earth-imaging satellite for the United Arab Emirates. Built by Airbus Defense and Space with an optical imaging payload from Thales Alenia Space, Falcon Eye 1 is the first of two surveillance satellites ordered by the UAE’s military.
Polar Orbit #VV15PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa) is a medium-resolution hyperspectral imaging mission of the Italian Space Agency ASI. The mission can provide a unique contribution to the observations of natural resources and in the study of key environmental processes
Sun-Synchronous Orbit #VV14A second Earth observation satellite for the Kingdom of Morocco. It was developed by Thales Alenia Space and Airbus. Satellite will be in particular used for mapping and land surveying activities, regional development, agricultural monitoring, the prevention and management of natural disasters, monitoring changes in the environment and desertification, as well as border and coastal surveillance.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitADM-Aeolus was an Earth observation satellite built by Airbus Defense and Space for ESA. Its goal was to directly observe wind profiles from space on a global scale and provide data that could improve weather forecasting and advance understanding of atmospherics dynamics and climate. The Aeolus satellite weighed around 1366 kg and flew in a low sun-synchronous orbit at about 400 km altitude. It was desorbited and reentered the Earth's atmosphere on July 28, 2023 at approximately 19:00 UTC.
Sun-Synchronous Orbit #AeolusAn Earth observation satellite for the Kingdom of Morocco. It was developed by Thales Alenia Space and Airbus. Satellite will be in particular used for mapping and land surveying activities, regional development, agricultural monitoring, the prevention and management of natural disasters, monitoring changes in the environment and desertification, as well as border and coastal surveillance.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitOptSat 3000 is an Earth imaging satellite built by Israel Aerospace Industries for the Italian military. It will be placed in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 600km. It will have a mission life of more than six years. Launched along with it is VENµS, Vegetation and Environment monitoring on a New Micro-Satellite. This is a near polar sun-synchronous orbit microsatellite jointly built by the Israeli Space Agency and CNES. Besides the scientific mission of terrestrial environment monitoring, the satellite is also tasked with verification and validation of the Hall Effect thruster in space.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitSentinel-2 is the second mission for Europe’s Copernicus environment monitoring programme. It's a satellite constellation of two identical spacecrafts, Sentinel-2A and -2B. Both carry an innovative wide swath high-resolution multispectral imager with 13 spectral bands for a new perspective of our land and vegetation.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitGöktürk-1A is a high resolution earth observation satellite (greater than 50 cm) designed and developed for the Turkish Ministry of National Defence by the Italian space service company Telespazio. The Göktürk-1A satellite has a dry weight of about 1,000 kg and a design life of seven years. Its observation payload includes a high resolution optical instrument and an onboard X-band digital imaging system to handle data compression, storage and downloading.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitLaunch VV07 from Arianespace launched 5 earth imaging satellites into a sun-synchronous orbit. PerúSAT-1 weighs 450kg and is able to capture images with a resolution of 70cm. The smaller Skybox satellites, each weighing 120kg, is able to achieve a resolution of approximately 1 meter.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitLISA Pathfinder will pave the way for future missions by testing in flight the very concept of gravitational wave detection: it will put two test masses in a near-perfect gravitational free-fall and control and measure their motion with unprecedented accuracy. LISA Pathfinder will use the latest technology to minimise the extra forces on the test masses, and to take measurements. The inertial sensors, the laser metrology system, the drag-free control system and an ultra-precise micro-propulsion system make this a highly unusual mission.
Heliocentric L1Proba-V maps land cover and monitors vegetation growth across the globe. Launched along with Proba-V are the first Earth observation satellite for Vietnam, VNREDSat 1A, and the first Estonian satellite ESTCube-1. ESTCube-1 is also the first satellite in the world to attempt the use of an electric solar wind sail.
Sun-Synchronous OrbitSPHEREx is a planned two-year astrophysics mission to survey the sky in the near-infrared light, which, though not visible to the human eye, serves a…
18 Low Earth Orbit communication satellites with Ku, Q and V band payloads for the G60 constellation operated by Shanghai Spacecom Satellite Technolo…
Chinese classified satellite claimed to be for communication technology test purposes. Actual mission not known.
Eighth test flight of the two-stage Starship launch vehicle.
The CSO-3 (Composante Spatiale Optique-3 satellite is the third of three new-generation high-resolution optical imaging satellites for the French mil…