Launch Vehicles

Explore the launch vehicles we use to get to Orbit

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Name Family Manufacturer Maiden Flight Date Active Reusable Launch Count Length (m) Max Diameter (m) LEO Capacity (kg) GTO Capacity (kg) Thrust at Liftoff (kN)
Antares 130 Antares Orbital Sciences Corporation 10/28/2014 1 41.9 3.9 5100 3265
Delta 7425-10 Delta McDonnell Douglas 06/30/2001 1 39.0 2.44 3020
Atlas B Atlas Convair 07/19/1958 1 31.4 3.66 68
Minotaur IV Minotaur Orbital Sciences Corporation 11/20/2010 1 23.9 2.35 1750 0 2200
Scout A-1 Scout Vought 10/30/1973 1 22.0 1.02 440
Delta 1910 Delta McDonnell Douglas 06/21/1975 1 35.0 2.44 2410
Delta II Delta United Launch Alliance 02/17/2007 1 38.9 2.4 1840
Space Launch System (SLS) Space Launch System National Aeronautics and Space Administration 11/16/2022 1 111.0 8.4 95000 39000
Terran 1 Terran Relativity Space 03/23/2023 1 35.0 2.3 1479 920
Volna Volna Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau 01/01/1975 1 14.1 1.9 120 682
Paektusan 1 Korean Committee of Space Technology 08/31/1998 1 25.8 1.8 525
Vulcan VC2S Vulcan United Launch Alliance 01/08/2024 1 61.6 5.4 19000 8400 9303
Delta 1410 Delta McDonnell Douglas 04/09/1975 1 35.0 2.44 1863
SPARTA Chrysler 11/28/1966 1 21.8 1.78 45 416
Atlas E Altair Atlas Convair 04/11/1990 1 210
Europa II Europa European Launcher Development Organisation 11/05/1971 1 31.7 3.05 1160 360 1512
Smart Dragon 1 Smart Dragon China Rocket Co. Ltd. 08/17/2019 1 19.2 1.2 150
Scout X-2B Scout Vought 09/27/1963 1 22.0 1.02 440
Hapith I Hapith TiSPACE 09/16/2021 1 10.2 2.2
Scout X-3M Scout Vought 02/19/1963 1 22.0 1.02 380
Trailblazer 1 Trailblazer National Aeronautics and Space Administration 03/03/1959 1 17.1 0.58 365
Long March 8 (Core Only) Long March 8 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 02/27/2022 1
Soyuz 2.1a/Volga Soyuz Progress Rocket Space Center 11/08/2004 1 19.6 2.68 4149
Atlas E/MSD Atlas Convair 12/09/1980 1 800
Blue Scout II Blue Scout Vought 03/03/1961 1 24.0 1.02 30 471