Thor Delta E1


McDonnell Douglas (MDC)

July 1, 1966


American orbital launch vehicle family with Thor first stage and a delta second stage.

  • Stages
  • Length
    28.0 m
  • Diameter
    2.44 m
  • Fairing Diameter
    2.44 m
  • Launch Mass
    68.0 T
  • Thrust
    1450.0 kN
  • Name
    Thor Delta E1
  • Family
  • Variant
    Delta E1
  • Alias
  • Full Name
    Thor Delta E1
Payload Capacity
  • Launch Cost
  • Low Earth Orbit
    540.0 kg
  • Geostationary Transfer Orbit
    150.0 kg
  • Direct Geostationary
  • Sun-Synchronous Capacity

McDonnell Douglas



Thor Delta E1 | Isis 2

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
April 1, 1971, 2:57 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

ISIS 2 was an ionospheric observatory instrumented with a sweep- and a fixed-frequency ionosonde, a VLF receiver, energetic and soft particle detectors, an ion mass spectrometer, an electrostatic probe, a retarding potential analyzer, a beacon transmitter, a cosmic noise experiment, and two photometers.

Low Earth Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | IMP G

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
June 21, 1969, 8:47 a.m.
Status: Launch Failure

Satellite instrumented to study interplanetary magnetic fields, energetic particles, and plasma.

Elliptical Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | ESSA 9

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Feb. 26, 1969, 7:47 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The ESSA series was the second generation of US meterological satellites after the TIROS (Television & Infra-Red Observation Satellite) series. They were also called OT (Operational TIROS), TOS (TIROS Operational Satellite).

Sun-Synchronous Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | Isis 1

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
Jan. 30, 1969, 6:46 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

ISIS 1 (International Satellite for Ionosphere Studies) was an ionospheric observatory instrumented with sweep- and fixed-frequency ionosondes, a VLF receiver, energetic and soft particle detectors, an ion mass spectrometer, an electrostatic probe, an electrostatic analyzer, a beacon transmitter, and a cosmic noise experiment.

Elliptical Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | HEOS 1

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Dec. 5, 1968, 6:55 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

HEOS 1 (Highly Eccentric Orbit Satellite) was an earth-orbiting, spin-stabilized satellite that was launched by ESA. The spacecraft objectives were to study interplanetary magnetic fields, cosmic rays, the solar wind, and the magnetosheath.

Elliptical Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | Pioneer 9

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Nov. 8, 1968, 9:46 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Pioneer A to E (Pioneer 6 to 9 after launch) were a series of five solar-orbiting, spin-stabilized, solar-cell and battery-powered satellites designed to obtain measurements of interplanetary phenomena from widely separated points in space on a continuing basis.

Heliocentric N/A
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Thor Delta E1 | GEOS B

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
Jan. 11, 1968, 4:16 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The GEOS 1 (Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite) spacecraft was a gravity-gradient-stabilized, solar-cell powered unit designed exclusively for geodetic studies.

Low Earth Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | Pioneer 8

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Dec. 13, 1967, 2:08 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Pioneer A to E (Pioneer 6 to 9 after launch) were a series of five solar-orbiting, spin-stabilized, solar-cell and battery-powered satellites designed to obtain measurements of interplanetary phenomena from widely separated points in space on a continuing basis.

Heliocentric N/A
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Thor Delta E1 | ESSA 6

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
Nov. 10, 1967, 5:53 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The ESSA series was the second generation of US meterological satellites after the TIROS (Television & Infra-Red Observation Satellite) series. They were also called OT (Operational TIROS), TOS (TIROS Operational Satellite).

Sun-Synchronous Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | INTELSAT II F-4

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Sept. 28, 1967, 12:45 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The Intelsat II series of satellites, first launched in 1966, marked the third generation of communications satellites developed by Hughes.

Geosynchronous Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | Explorer 35

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
July 19, 1967, 2:19 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Satellite instrumented for studies of interplanetary plasma, energetic charged particles, magnetic fields, and solar X-rays at lunar distances.

Lunar Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | IMP F

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA
May 24, 1967, 2:05 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Satellite instrumented to study interplanetary magnetic fields, energetic particles, and plasma.

Elliptical Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | INTELSAT II F-3

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
March 23, 1967, 1:30 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The Intelsat II series of satellites, first launched in 1966, marked the third generation of communications satellites developed by Hughes.

Geosynchronous Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | INTELSAT II F-2

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Jan. 11, 1967, 10:55 a.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The Intelsat II series of satellites, first launched in 1966, marked the third generation of communications satellites developed by Hughes.

Geosynchronous Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | INTELSAT II F-1

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Oct. 26, 1966, 11:05 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

The Intelsat II series of satellites, first launched in 1966, marked the third generation of communications satellites developed by Hughes.

Geosynchronous Orbit
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Thor Delta E1 | Pioneer 7

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
Aug. 17, 1966, 3:20 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Pioneer A to E (Pioneer 6 to 9 after launch) were a series of five solar-orbiting, spin-stabilized, solar-cell and battery-powered satellites designed to obtain measurements of interplanetary phenomena from widely separated points in space on a continuing basis.

Heliocentric N/A
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Thor Delta E1 | Explorer 33

McDonnell Douglas | United States of America
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
July 1, 1966, 4:02 p.m.
Status: Launch Successful

Satellite instrumented for studies of interplanetary plasma, energetic charged particles, magnetic fields, and solar X-rays at lunar distances.

Lunar Orbit
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