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Direct from America's space program to YouTube, watch NASA TV live streaming here to get the latest from our exploration of the universe and learn how we dis...

Пуск ракеты-носителя «Союз-2.1б» с грузовым кораблём-модулем «Прогресс М-УМ» с космодрома Байконур

24 ноября 2021 года в 16:06 мск запланирован пуск ракеты-носителя «Союз-2.1б» с грузовым кораблём-модулем «Прогресс М-УМ» и узловым модулем «Причал» с пусков...

Техническая трансляция запуска грузового корабля-модуля «Прогресс М-УМ»

24 ноября 2021 года в 16:06 мск запланирован пуск ракеты-носителя «Союз-2.1б» с грузовым кораблём-модулем «Прогресс М-УМ» и узловым модулем «Причал» с пусков...

Uzlovoy Module (UM) "Prichal"

Circle Image


Destination: Low Earth Orbit
Mission: Human Exploration

Low Earth Orbit 31/6 Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan

The UM (Uzlovoy Module) or NM (Node Module) is a node to be added to the Russian part of the ISS complex. It is also named Prichal. UM will be delivered by a modified Progress space tug, called Progress-M-UM. The UM will be docked to the nadir port of the MLM (Nauka) module, providing four ports to mount additional modules and one docking port for cargo and crew spacecrafts.


Rob1bouchet • Nov. 24, 2021, 1:20 p.m.

Setting launch as successful based on ROSCOSMOS Tweet

Nosu • Nov. 20, 2021, 10:57 a.m.

T-0 confirmed by ROSCOSMOS

Nosu • Oct. 23, 2021, 10:12 p.m.

Adding launch time

Soyuz 2.1b


Soyuz-2 is the 21st-century version of the Russian Soyuz rocket. In its basic form, it is a three-stage carrier rocket for placing payloads into low Earth orbit. The 2.1b version adds an upgraded engine (RD-0124) with improved performance to the second stage.

  • Minimum Stage
  • Max Stage
  • Length
    46.3 m
  • Diameter
    2.95 m
  • Fairing Diameter
  • Launch Mass
    312 T
  • Thrust
  • Name
    Soyuz 2.1b
  • Family
  • Variant
  • Alias
  • Full Name
    Soyuz 2.1b
Payload Capacity
  • Launch Cost
  • Low Earth Orbit
    8200 kg
  • Geostationary Transfer Orbit
    3250 kg
  • Direct Geostationary
  • Sun-Synchronous Capacity
    4900 kg

Progress M-UM

In-active Cargo Unmanned Payload Capacity: 5350 kg
Destination: International Space Station
Serial Number: M-UM (No.303)

Modified Progress spacecraft used to deliver the Prichal module to the International Space Station.

Progress M-UM Details

Progress Rocket Space Center

Progress Rocket Space Center


Dmitry Baranov Founded: 1996 Successes: 44 Failures: 1 Pending: 0

Agency Type:

Progress Rocket Space Centre, formerly known as TsSKB-Progress, is a space science and aerospace research company which is known for manufacturing launch vehicles and satellites. Most notably, Progress Rocket Space Centre is the manufacturer of Soyuz launch vehicles.


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Roscosmos is set to launch a new docking node module to the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday, November 24 at 13:06 UTC / 8:06 am EST. 


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Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan


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