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X線分光撮像衛星XRISM/小型月着陸実証機SLIM 打上げライブ中継

English ⇒線分光撮像衛星XRISM/小型月着陸実証機SLIM打上げの様子です。放送予定:2023年9月7日(木)8:10頃~打上げ時間:午前8時42分11秒(日本標準時)

XRISM/SLIM Launch Live Streaming

日本語 ⇒ live coverage of the launch of XRISM/SLIM.Broadcast schedule: 8:55 a.m. on August 28, 2023 (JST)Launch time: 9...

X線分光撮像衛星XRISM/小型月着陸実証機SLIM 打上げライブ中継

English ⇒線分光撮像衛星XRISM/小型月着陸実証機SLIM打上げの様子です。放送予定:2023年8月28日(月)8:55~打上げ時間:午前9時26分22秒(日本標準時)

H-IIAロケット47号機 X線分光撮像衛星(XRISM)小型月着陸実証機(SLIM)打上げ H-2A Rocket F47 XRISM & SLIM Launch Live Streaming

打上げ予定日(Launch Date):2023.08.27打上げ予定時刻(Launch Time): 9:30'15" +0900 (JST)予備期間(Preliminary duration): 2023.08.28~2023.09.15ペイロード衛星(Payload): X線分光撮像衛星(XRISM)小型月...



Destination: Lunar Orbit
Mission: Astrophysics

Lunar Orbit Yoshinobu Launch Complex LP-1 Tanegashima Space Center, Japan

X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM), formerly the X-Ray Astronomy Recovery Mission (XARM), is a replacement for the Hitomi satellite that malfunctioned few weeks after the launch. Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) is a lunar probe that will target a landing on a small crater in Mare Nectaris, an area located near the moon's equator on the side facing Earth.


Cosmic_Penguin • Sept. 7, 2023, 3:13 a.m.

Launch success.

Cosmic_Penguin • Sept. 6, 2023, 11:42 p.m.


LL2 • Sept. 6, 2023, 11:03 p.m.

Livestream has started

Cosmic_Penguin • Sept. 4, 2023, 6:06 a.m.

New launch date and time.

Nosu • Aug. 30, 2023, 9:11 a.m.

TBD September due to weather


Configuration: 202

H-IIA (H2A) is an active expendable launch system operated by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The liquid-fueled H-IIA rockets have been used to launch satellites into geostationary orbit, to launch a lunar orbiting spacecraft, and to launch Akatsuki, which studied the planet Venus. Launches occur at the Tanegashima Space Center.

  • Stages
  • Length
    53.0 m
  • Diameter
    4.0 m
  • Fairing Diameter
    4.0 m
  • Launch Mass
    285.0 T
  • Thrust
    2260.0 kN
  • Name
  • Family
  • Variant
  • Alias
  • Full Name
    H-IIA 202
Payload Capacity
  • Launch Cost
  • Low Earth Orbit
    10000.0 kg
  • Geostationary Transfer Orbit
    4100.0 kg
  • Direct Geostationary
  • Sun-Synchronous Capacity

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries


President: Seiji Izumisawa Founded: 1884 Successes: 53 Failures: 1 Pending: 13

Agency Type:

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. is a Japanese multinational engineering, electrical equipment and electronics company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. MHI is one of the core companies of the Mitsubishi Group. MHI's products include aerospace components, air conditioners, aircraft, automotive components, forklift trucks, hydraulic equipment, machine tools, missiles, power generation equipment, printing machines, ships and space launch vehicles. Through its defense-related activities, it is the world's 23rd-largest defense contractor measured by 2011 defense revenues and the largest based in Japan.


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